Beginning a sustainability strategy for your business can be quite a daunting task. By taking a step back and starting with the basics, you may be surprised how much of a difference to your eco credentials you can make. Yes, as an SME you may not be able to single handedly solve the climate crisis, but you can definitely still make a positive impact. Research from Deloitte has found that 97% of executives see the world at a tipping point regarding climate change. This leaves businesses no choice but to act now. As regulatory frameworks tighten around carbon emissions and resource management, even small businesses must adapt or risk being left behind.
Set clear goals
Start by defining specific, measurable targets aligned with your business objectives. Whether it’s reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy efficiency, or minimising waste generation, establishing clear metrics will help track progress and hold your business accountable. Determine why sustainability is important to your organisation and how it aligns with your values.
It is important for everyone to know why your business is committed to becoming more sustainable and the impact you can make. Let your team know how they can help, so they will become more motivated when they are aware of achievable outcomes. With a full team effort, it will be easier to smash your goals.
Picking eco-friendly products in the office
As sustainability climbs up the agenda for the vast majority of people, there are many eco-friendly alternatives to chose from when buying office products. From cleaning products, stationery supplies to hygiene products, there are plastic free options which minimise waste and overall carbon footprint.
Although the bathroom may not be your first port of call when carving a sustainable strategy, buying green hygiene products can make a substantial difference to your business’ contribution to the amount of plastic and micro-plastics in circulation. We opt for Ocean Saver for our cleaning products, which are plastic-free and refillable.
Choosing B Corp brands is a good way to rest assured that you are putting the planet first. Our fridge re-stock essential is DASH water, which our team goes crazy for in the summer.
Websites such as ethical superstore and Social Supermarket are fantastic one-stop-shops for all of your planet friendly supplies.
How to reduce waste in the office
Any business can easily look at cutting down waste and recycling more. Splitting recycling into three different bins (plastic and metal, cardboard and paper and glass) will ensure your office is recycling correctly. According to a report from Envirowise, approximately 70% of office waste is recyclable. However, only a mere 7.5% of this recyclable waste makes it to recycling facilities. By tracking your business’ waste, you can take full responsibility of reducing it and recycling more.
Transportation alternatives to help your business’ sustainability
To drive a sustainable strategy, your team should be encouraged to take the most eco-friendly route possible to work and business meetings. First consider if it is possible to walk, if not opt for public transport. Although sometimes necessary, travelling by car should be the last resort. Working from home is also a good way to cut carbon emissions.
How to engage stakeholders in your business’ sustainability strategy
It is important to look externally, as well as internally at your business when creating an effective sustainability strategy. Working with businesses who share your drive for a greener future is vital to take a stance against those who are ignorant of the cause. Spreading the word of your initiatives and certifications to your stakeholders can encourage them too to become more purpose driven.
It is easy to point to bigger businesses and put all of the responsibility on them for our environmental impact, but SMEs can also make a difference. If everyone took accountability for their actions, significant progress can be made. Integrating sustainable practices into your business strategy can return tangible benefits. From cost savings through energy efficiency and waste reduction to enhanced brand reputation, the advantages are manifold.
Check out the impact we are having here.